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Contributing can be very easy and doesn't necessarily require any technical skills. Here are a few ways you can help:

(Also, feel free to reach out on Discord to discuss how you could contribute)

🗣 Talk about Coollab to your friends! Share the Linktree.
💡 Give us feedback and share your ideas about what we could add or improve. On the Discord or on GitHub.
🐛 Report any bug you encounter, no matter how minor. On the Discord or on GitHub.
🖼 Share the artworks you made with Coollab, and ideally also the project file. On the Discord, or on your social media. To tag us: @coollab_art on Instagram, @Coollab on Mastodon.
👩‍🏫 Make tutorials, either as text or video. Or Quick Tip videos (~1 minute). Feel free to share them on the Discord.
🔀 Write your own nodes with GLSL and share them on the Discord or on GitHub.
👩‍💻 Contribute code to Coollab. You can have a look at the good first issues, and feel free to comment on the issues to ask for more details and help to get started.
💰 Financial contributions are also welcome and allow us to spend more time working on the software! You can buy cool T-shirts or support us on Patreon.